
Crops for a Friend

By: Ashley Hollett and Morgan Plummer

One of the missions of CSUCI’s NOLA Service Learning experience is to help local communities combat food insecurities in surrounding neighborhoods. With the aid of student volunteers and faculty, we were able to plant a variety of crops on the Carol property in Buras, Louisiana. The process included tilling the land, establishing a canal around the plot and planting various crops including tomatoes, herbs, melons, watermelon, pumpkin, corn, cucumber, eggplant and marigold as an insect repellant.

John showing student volunteers where the planting process will occur.

Tilled plot

Man down! (Tom was tired)
Carols grandson, Liam, helping out
Students digging the canal
Canals are dug and the plot is ready to go
Ready, set GROW!

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