
London Avenue Canal, East Breach

From the event of Hurricane Katrina in August 29, 2005, the hurricane’s surge broke through many flood walls and levees. The houses from London Avenue were badly affected due to the flood wall that did not withstand the hurricane’s strong winds and water. According to a bulletin board that was available for the public to see, before the floods, the neighborhood was thriving with black and white middle-class home owners. Once the flood came by the flood wall failed making water and sand go through the neighborhood destroying many homes and killing hundreds of people.

Flood wall at London Avenue Canal, East Breach
Bulletin board explaining I-walls and T-walls on left, and explaining a breach on the right side.

There was a tiny blue house where it had books on the inside with a sign that said “Take a book, share a book.” This is a place where people from the neighborhood can share and exchange any book they choose. It is still being used today.

The books inside the blue house

Because of the floods from Hurricane Katrina in 2005, many homes are up on either wood or concrete poles that are about 5 to 7 feet high to help prevent flooding inside of people’s homes.

Home on London Avenue

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