
Another great Levee Failure Tour

We were treated again to another fantastic Levee Failure Tour by the great Dr. Steve Nelson of Tulane University today.

We began, as always, with the levee lining the Industrial Canal in the Lower 9th Ward.


Then we stopped at the other end of the Industrial Canal breech.

London Avenue Canal Breech (at Wilton Drive break).

The good folks at are getting ready to open a Levee Museum here the summer.  Very cool!

London Avenue (Pratt Drive breech)

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And we ended at the Pump Station that is the centerpiece of the dewatering of the city should we have another hurricane/heavy rain event.

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Comment ( 1 )

  1. / ReplyPNWCatLady
    So jealous I am, of you all on a tour of the levees of NOLA!! I can taste the crawfish now, I am so there.

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