

“It doesn’t look like it’s bumpin’ just yet,” Dr. Anderson mumbled to himself as we pulled in to park, in what looked like a regular residential neighborhood. On the corner stood a triangle building, a charming host, a security guard, and some friendly locals, mingling and waiting for the entertainment to begin.

We got comfortable for what couldn’t have been more than fifteen minuntes as exceedingly friendly waitresses greeted us and surrounding tables shared friendly smiles. Then, the all-female brass band took the stage. A woman tested the comfort of her sousaphone, another her alto sax, a trumpet, a keyboard, and drums took the stage to play local favorites. Right away, the CSUCI students sprinted to the front to start the dancing. They danced all the way through the set, befriending audience members as the crowded seemed to quadruple within a few performances.

It was a quick visit, but a great way to end the night, after a long day including a levee failure tour, and exploring the French Quarter and its rich history. Exhausted, we take to bed, and anticipate another early day tomorrow.

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