
Day 2

Today we all left the hotel and headed to the New Orleans Historical Collection and walked through the history of the city.


There were old maps and paintings as well as other artifacts. Pictured below was one of my favorite pieces. It is an illustrated newspaper that dip it’s sicknesses in the city.


After we went to a Vietnamese place called 9 Roses and I tried spring roles which were super good! Leaving we all walked through the rain and went on our way to our levee tour led by a professor from Tulane University. It was very informational and put the failure of the levees in perspective because we were able to see the neighborhoods effected.
Aside from the amazing history and science we learned, one of the highlights of the day was the flat tire on the Escalade. The second highlight was eating BBQ and watching Paul Sanchez perform all Chicke Wah Wahs.

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