
Looking Back

About 3 and a half weeks ago my classmates, or should I now say friends and I got on a plane to New Orleans and arrived in Louisiana on Saint Patrick’s day.  We were all excited to explore, learn, and give back to the community of New Orleans.  We all began the class knowing very little about the Hurricane Katrina and the city and people of New Orleans and returned with a much deeper understanding of the impact Hurricane Katrina had on lives of the people of New Orleans and the city itself.  Being back now and reflecting on everything that I experienced and learned  in New Orleans I can truly say that I am much more appreciative of home.  Getting to first hand see how the lower ninth ward has not fully recovered from Hurricane Katrina despite it now being almost a little over a decade after the levees in New Orleans failed was very heartbreaking. However, I found comfort in realizing how optimistic the people of this community are about the future and how alive the diverse culture in New Orleans is despite everything that this community has experienced; I find peace in knowing that through this course I was able to contribute and help  the people of New Orleans though our involvement with community food gardens and our Woodland Trails restoration and vegetation work which plays a part in conserving the wetlands of New Orleans which provide a large ecological service and acts as green and blue infrastructure against natural disastrous such as Hurricane Katrina. While the work that we did was helpful and meaningful it is also important to realize that there is still a lot more work to be done in New Orleans and I definitely plan to go back and contribute even more.

There truly is no other place as unique and as alive as the city of New Orleans.  Being back now family and friends ask what New Orleans is like but the truth is that they don’t know “what it means to miss New Orleans” it is a place one must visit and experience first hand.  The food, people, music, and culture that exists in New Orleans no other city in the U.S. or the world can offer , it is a place like no other and I cannot wait to go back. This is experience and city is one that I will treasure in my heart and memories forever.  My short time in New Orleans defenitly helped me grow as a person.  It is by far my favorite college experience and memory thus far.







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