
Yellow Jack: The Stranger Disease

We had a great time at the “3D” Theater tonight. We took in Goat in the Road‘s original production of The Stranger Disease wherein a short play takes place within the historic building complex at 632 Dumaine Street in the French Quarter (aka Madame John’s Legacy).

Set in 1878, The Stranger Disease follows seven people who live in, or orbit around, Madame John’s Legacy, as rumors of what would be one of the city’s worst yellow fever epidemics begin to spread. Navigating post-Reconstruction New Orleans, as well as a romance that crosses the color line, the characters must decide whether to stay or leave the city.

It was really fun to be in something of a Choose Your Own Adventure as we floated from room to room or followed a given character up into upstairs bedrooms from the preserved alleyway on ground level.

This very interesting experience made full use of the history of New Orleans as well the unique atlrchitecrure and traditional t

In short, we had a killer time, experienced a great exploration of the history of New Orleans, and were comparing notes as to who did what and their motivations the whole van ride home!

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