
Yearly archives "2015"

228 Articles

Jazz Talent!



Tonught we had the pleasure of watching Irvin Mayfield and his incredibly talented band perform. I was in awe the entire time! They were pure entertainment.

The music that blew my mind

We had the pleasure of seeing Irvin Mayfield play at his very own club tonight with elements of the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra. Irvin was easily the greatest and most tasteful trumpet player I have ever seen play. His band was nothing less than phenomenal and had a few surprises for the crowd. The drummer had the chops of Buddy Rich and the voice of an angel. The trombone player could make a grown man weep with his soothing voice and amazing prowess on brass. The sax player had the tone of Stan Getz and the tenacity of John Coltrane. I will never forget the night that this band knocked me into another world.

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Meeting all kinds of great people

Our group got to meet with Michael Blum from Tulane University; Bessy, who represents SFRPLA-E against oil companies that have caused significant damage to wetlands; and the environmental reporter for New Orleans daily online article.  These meetings were great learning experiences and provided opportunities to learn more about the impacts that Katrina, the BP deep water horizon oil blow out, and oil companies continue to have on marine, coastal, and wetland ecosystems.

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Day 7: Nola 

Met with the local online news center. Had a discussion with a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist about ecological issues affecting the gulf coast around Louisiana. 

Long day of Learning

After a long day talking to ecologists, lawyers, and journalists we ended with a bang at Irvin Mayfield’s Jazz Playhouse!



You find these amazing chandeliers all over New Orleans Louisiana.


Meeting Mark  Schleifstein,

Today we were lucky enough to meet with Mark, an environmental reporter for New Orleans’ leading website for news and information. He runs their hurricane blog and is solely responsible for reporting news related to all things environmental, weather, levee, and hurricane related. 

See his blog here

He predicted a hurricane with devastating effects like Katrina three years before it hit in his series titled “Washing Away“.