
Daily archives "March 21, 2015"

10 Articles

Last Full Day

Our last full day at our Woodlands Trail field site saw some special guests joining us. Tulane University students with an array of majors joined us who were excited to get working and help us with our surveys supporting Woodlands Conservancy.

The wonderful student paired with my group was Simone.  An Environmental Science major and ROTC member, she was very excited to learn about the different plants and how we did our survey work.  After just a handful of 2mx2m sections, she picked it right up.

Thank you to the Tulane Service Learning students that came out in support of swamp restoration!

Last day in the Woodlands

Bitter sweet ending to the field work in the woodlands conservancy.  Hard to say goodbye to this beautiful park but it was nice to meet and work with young Tulane University students.

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Tulane Service Learning

We were joined today by a team of undergrads from Tulane University.  (Soon to be Dr.) Jayur Mehta‘s Intro to Environmental Science students joined us at Woodlands Trail.  This course primarily serves students looking for a GE in the sciences, also counting towards their two-course minimum of Service Learning experiences needed to graduate.

We integrated the Tulane University students in with our CSU Channel Islands students with a 1-to-1 ratio.  This worked quite well with our more experienced students being able to teach the new-to-the-swamp Tulane University students the lay of the land and the species at hand.



Locked & Loaded


Using a sub meter GPS system with arcmap to locate permanent study sites.


These marked PVC pipes are a visual indicator of our permanent monitoring plots.

Day 10: Joint Job

Dr. Huggins teaching Tulane students about native and non native species. Tulane and CSUCI will be working together today to collect valuable woodland data.

Woodlands Concervancy’s Facebook page 

Check out Woodlands Conservancy’s Facebook here. They’ve been posting about the work we’ve been doing at the park as well as other activities around the park such as the ongoing bird banding project and free nature hikes that they offer to the public.