

21 posts

Second day in the field

We spent a long day in the Woodlands Conservancy continuing to survey vegetation transects. Lauren and Kelsey from my group discovered a plant species that hadn’t been found in the conservancy before.

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Reminder of what this great city has been through

This spray painted symbol left from the search and rescue days following Hurricane Katrina made me take a moment of silence to gather my thoughts and pay my respects to all who suffered during the disaster.  Hearing the talks from Professor Steve Nelson helped me truly understand what had gone wrong with the levees and what might possibly be done for the future with better foresight and engineering.

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First night in town

The music was phenomenal to say the least. The Dana Abbot Band blew my mind with their outstanding musicianship and blues that reached down and grabbed your soul.

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The Biggest Sandwich I’ve Ever Had

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