
Results for tag "new-orleans-school-of-cooking"

3 Articles

Food For Thought

-New Orleans School of Cooking-

On saturday March 18th we attendend the New Orleans School of Cooking, this place is family owned and was established in 1980. Our instructor and chef was Michael who started our class with a walk around the French Quarter. Michael gave us the historty to the ninth ward and is an exceptional story teller and guide! All the information spoken by Michael was tied back to food and the histoty and impact it has had on New Orleans. Once at the school we got into different groups to prepare New Orlean dishes. The experience was more than amazing, learning the history while learning the food of this area is a great hands on experience that I recomned everyone have. We cooked the corn and crab bisque, cajun sweet and spicy coleslaw, muffaletta sandwich, BBQ shrimp and grits, and bread pudding. All the food was fantastic and such a fun time! 🙂

360 Image Tests

Here are a few test embeds with out new 360° camera.  Enjoy and please comment if you have viewing issues, noting how you are trying to view these images.

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Another year, another great class with the indomitable Chef Michael Devedts!