
Daily archives "March 23, 2023"

2 Articles

Sugar Roots Farm

Today, we went to Sugar Roots Farm, a non-profit farm that raises various plants and animals and supports the local community. They have various goats, a cow, chickens, horses, and a pony for animals. It’s popular on weekends for small children to come ride the equines. Lauren, the manager of the farm, is also in charge of planting various grasses and other natives, such as Louisiana grass, chicory, herbaceous mimosa, and partridge pea. The organization is a very positive place to learn about natives and support local farms.

IHNC Lake Borgne Surge Protection Barrier

March 22, we visited the North end of the Lake Borgne Surge Barrier. Stacy Gillmore who works for Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East gave us our tour. You can see the pre and post Hurricane Katrina Flood walls on either side of the entrance gate. The original walls were only 16 feet high and the newer walls are 30 feet high. Katrina flooded the upriver industrial area 20 to 21 feet of surge water from Lake Borgne. 

During recovery the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Agency was formed through several pre existing levee districts. The Flood Protection Authority worked closely with the US Army Corps of Engineers during planning and construction of the Hurricane Storm Damage Risk Reduction System. Construction on the Surge Protection Barrier began in late 2008 and was completed in 2011. 

The total length of the structure is 1.8 miles long and includes 3 different navigational structures. The structure we saw was the First Sector Gate. It takes approximately 20 minutes to open and 20 minutes to close. Regardless of opinion of flood management it is impossible to deny that this is a marvel of engineering.