

3 posts

Day 6 – A Sunny Day in Buras for Gardening

On March 22, 2023, we traveled about two hours southeast to the town of Buras to install a community garden on the property belonging to Carol and his family. This project had partnered with him in the past but the previous gardens that were installed had failed due to high saturation of water in the soil from storms. The soil in this area is very clay heavy which can compact tightly and make it difficult for plants to grow roots in it so they tend to fail. It can be difficult to work with but luckily Carol had tilled the ground prior to our arrival and we were ready to plant! Christian, our botanist student from Oregon State, led the charge, showing us how to loosen the root ball of each of our vegetable and herb starts so that the plant knows it has more area to grow out its roots and establish itself in the ground. He directed us where in the field to plant certain plants based on the sunlight it would receive and the amount of space the adult plant would take up. The chosen vegetables were: bell peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, squash, corn, basil, thyme, cilantro, and orange trees. We got them in the ground and added fertilizer to help give them a boost. It was a great team effort on such a nice day and I hope we get some updates to see how they do, providing much needed healthy foods to the surrounding community.

Capstone & David Young

Dr. Sean Anderson and David Young explain the circumstances of the communities in the Lower 9th Ward, a parish of New Orleans experiencing lack of resources due to being a food desert, and what David has taken on to mitigate that in his own home.
A tour of the aquaponic system as reference for the 2 additional we were going to build.

Day 1 – Woodlands Conservancy Preserve, Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans, Lower 9th Ward Levee, & French Quarter Saint Patrick’s Day Parade

First day in New Orleans was a whirlwind! We were welcomed to the Woodlands Preserve with a thunderstorm, listened in on Dr. A’s orientation and Tom’s botanical identifications, heard a presentation from Nathan with the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans non-profit organization regarding historical architecture and incentivizing residents in maintaining them, visited the devastating site of flooding during Hurricane Katrina’s landfall in the Lower 9th Ward and the unfortunate insufficient rebuilding done, and ended the day with a free couple of hours at a parade in honor of Saint Patrick’s Day in the French Quarter!

Tom in his element
Eating some fresh mulberries gathered by Zach
At the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans with Nathan
On top of the floodwall of the levee