

13 posts

Reflection Time

After having a few days to reflect upon a wonderful experience, I can clearly see so many memories that will stay with me forever. We did and saw and created so many things in such a short space of time. The music, the cool and interesting people, the swamp, all of the learning…there were so many experiences I will simply never forget. Sharing this experience with my intelligent and open-minded peers made all of it even that much more enjoyable. I never thought it would be possible to fit all of what we did into to ten days. But if there was one guy that could do it, we had him with us. Thanks Dr. Anderson!

When I first heard about this trip, I was thought about how this trip could help me as a learning experience. I thought about how it might eventually help me in the future as I pursue a career in the field. But by a few days into the trip I realized how our work out in Louisiana is about much, much more than just us.  I realized how our work actually touches the lives of many others and how gratifying that actually feels. I learned so much and was able to help others at the same time. I laughed and had fun as well. I would highly recommended this trip to anybody!

-Thomas Mirzakhanian