
Results for category "NOLA"

505 Articles

So much to see and do

A swamp monster surveying and writing down the data. We found lots of tallow, privut and of course blackberry.

Aligator sausage dog at Dat Dog. It’s been awhile since I’ve had aligator, man its as tasty as I remembered.

    View from 31 stories up. Got to learn about NOLA environmental journalisms and how almost everything is now done online. It’s sad to hear that this company has had so many budget cuts and the journalists have to take the photos and videos on their own, all while doing research on it as well.

Day 5

So today was jammed pack. We started our morning doing our vegitation surveys, we only had about 4 hours of stuff to do. After that we rushed over to a privately funded museum that has information about the history of New Orleans. It was very interesting because it had about 20 different maps that showed the area and the Mississippi River was all over the place. We also saw a video that was about 30 minutes that talked about the history. Right after that we talked with Harry Shear who talks very openly about a lot of stuff that people normally do, so that made it all very interesting. About an hour after that we meet with Mark who works with a newspaper that does a bit of work about the environment. It was a lot of fun hearing everyone’s different perspectives. 

Front of the museum

The sugar bowl trophy

List of names with there capability of work

Powder horn

The house of the original land owners

Another day at Woodlands trail!

We all pushed through our transects like superheroes today! It was awesome to see how quickly we’re all getting the hang of things. My group finished a transact and then teamed up with the other groups and we all worked together to get it done quick! It was a successful and very eventful day.

Day 5

Anther full day iut here in Louisiana. We started our morning off bright and early on the trail doing our plant surveys. Later in the day we attended the Historic New Orleans Collections in the French quarter. Here we learned about the history of the Mississippi River and the development of Louisiana and. A guest speaker named harry spoke with us about the levee failures We then went to a news company known as We had the opportunity to speak with a journalist about the news company, hurricane Katrina and the levee failures. In the end we talked about the future outlook of hurricane protection for southern Louisiana. 

After a long and informative day we ended the night by listening to some fantastic upbeat piano music at a place called Chickie Wah Wah. 

Day 4

Today was a full day of plant surveying! I learned a lot about the cypress tree and the current problems this species is facing in the southern deciduous forest here in Louisiana. 

As shown in the picture below, the roots of this tree (and many others) are completely exposed. This is not normal. Typically the roots are completely covered by soil and water. However due to humans the soil level has dropped. That’s right, the soil has become so compact due to the loss of water and organic material that it caused soil levels to drop. 

What’s causing the water to disappear? Humans. When humans moved to Louisiana they started to drain the wetlands in their desire to inhabit the land. As population size increased, the demand for more land also increased. Therefore causing humans to drain more and more water from the land. Over the years the extraction of water from these wetlands has caused a dramatic decrease in soil levels. This decrease has caused the roots of the trees to become more exposed to oxygen. Furthermore allowing bacteria, fungi, and microbes to attack it and begin decomposition. As the roots become decomposed, the tree slowly becomes to weak to hold itself up. The end result is the collapsing of cypress trees and a decrease in the population. 

3/20 Blog Post

Today my group and I finished our first full complete transect. We finally picked up the hang of things and found an adequate efficient way to record our data. It was interesting to see the variety of plants and the locations where each landed. Before taking this course or doing this field research, I never knew how important these types of things mattered.

Oh blackberries how we hate thee

We had our first full day of surveying. My team got a good amount done so that was good (3 full 100m transects and a half). Before we went on the trip Sean told us that blackberries will be the bane of our existence. I personally thought that it was a little bit of an exaggeration, no no it wasn’t. We had to hack our way through a few walls of this evil plant. It has a lot of tinny tiny little thorns that just snag everything that it touches. We all got a few little pricks here and there, for me on my arms and my back. These are the worst because then you can’t really see it and you can’t tell where it is/where it is from. But Jayla totally crushed it at whacking the blackberry bushes out of our way. If there was no blackberries today would have been perfect. We say a lot of spiders (yes we consider this cool), some crickets, A LOT of caterpillars, a small brown snake (we think it was  a gardener snake), there were a few armadillos that we could hear it waddling around. So it was over all a good day of animal sighting and Katie, Jayla and I were all able to keep smiling and laughing the whole time. Can’t wait for the next few days. 🙂

Jayla and Katie at work

a caterpillar

an ordinary spider

me holding a machete!

a REALLY big spider

another spider

yet another spiders

The team left to right Jayla, Katie and me (Hayden)

A little grasshopper

A quick recap of day 2 fieldwork!

Today was hot and gnarly in the swamp. I had my first personal encounter with the swelling bushes of blackberry. Some people found it horrible, but I found it exciting!

Why might you ask? Because we got to machete the heck out of it. With great power comes great necessity. And it sure was necessity to destroy this nature God had bestowed in this transect.

Always excited for the next encounter!

Aside from that…

Our group knocked out almost 4 complete 100 meter transects today. I think the best parts were the in-betweens where you were waiting around and observing nature. The amount of biodiversity in the woodlands is outstanding. I mean, most are spiders but it’s still fun to observe. I could just sit out there between those maple trees, eat mullberries, and look at critters all day. Now I’m E xcited for tomorrow’s field day!

Photo of our hardworking awesome team!