
Results for tag "woodlands-trail"

4 Articles

Day 1 Nature Walk of Nola 2023

Everyone shows great respect to Tom and pays close attention while he is sharing his knowledge with us. Tom is explaining how this leaf from the Quercus Virginiana (Southern Live Oak) is a prime example of a plant with entire leaves, compared to lobed or pinnate leaves. We are fortunate to have people who are so passionate about plants and teaching with us. Whenever an elder like Tom or John is speaking, the class knows it is time to listen closely.

360 Image Tests

Here are a few test embeds with out new 360° camera.  Enjoy and please comment if you have viewing issues, noting how you are trying to view these images.

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Better Estimates?

Estimating tree heights is an inexact Science when does with the speed we do them. Add in the challenges of often only getting poor views of the canopy from our given vantage points and we are left with some clear error in our estimates of tree heights when the trees in question are more than 3 or 4m tall.

Drones to the Rescue?

It was with this concern in mind that we ran a trial for one day this trip. We independently visually estimated tree heights, then flew up one of our drones into the air adjacent to the tree in question.We will have a more detailed post later, but our first pass is looking interesting.

No Consistent Bias

So far it looks like we don’t over- or under-estimate trees consistently. Rather the shape of the particular tree and/or the surrounding canopy are much more confounding issues when one seeks to estimate the height of a given tree top.

Surveying Woodlands Trail: Getting Up and Running

Sunday saw both the let-up of rain and our hard core Service Learning switch get thrown to “on.”  We began with a morning of orientation about the ecology and management of the system and by noon were hitting our annual surveys in support of Woodlands Conservancy’s long-term conservation efforts.
