
Results for category "NOLA"

505 Articles

A Meditation in NOLA

  • I’m looking forward to understanding how the policies during that time has either helped or hindered the rebuilding efforts. I’m also looking forward to experiencing the culture:
    • Food
      People themselves

    NOLA PreTrip Reflection

    I am excited to go on the New Orleans trip because I will get to eat new foods, learn more about the culture of the area, listen to some amazing jazz music, and help to restore the ecology of the area after the hurricane katrina devastation. This is the coolest opportunity!

    Going-going back-back to NOLA-NOLA

    It has been SEVERAL years that I’ve been to the ‘Big Easy’ but it remains one of most memorable places that I’ve been to (and I’ve been lucky to see much of the United States country-side and urban areas). This upcoming trip holds very different expectations than my previous ventures into the city. I’ve only been for family trips so much of what we explored was done through the lens of tourists. I am eager to explore the opportunities offered by this trip: the community garden, the cooking course, the music clubs!

    I know a lot of hard work awaits but I am certain that all of us will find the spirit and heart of NOLA to be within ourselves.

    Pre New Orleans Trip

    This will be my first trip to New Orleans and I am excited to go. My peers who have previously participated in the service learning to New Orleans seem to be saying the same things: it is hard work, but it is also worth it! I look forward to working in wetland restoration and also helping out with the community garden. I also want to experience New Orleans Culture- especially the food.

    What I want to take away from this experience…

    I hope to indulge in the rich culture of New Orleans and experience the history of this city through food, art, music, but most importantly people. I want to meet as many local people as I can and listen and share their stories. Listening to the people who have grown up here and have seen the city change throughout the years help me, and anyone else willing to listen, to understand why this place is so special.

    There are many components that made New Orleans the complex place that it is today. Spending time restoring the natural habitats that are characteristic of this place while simultaneously supporting local communities will make this trip one of the most enriching and unique Ive ever taken.

    The French Quarter

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    360 Image Tests

    Here are a few test embeds with out new 360° camera.  Enjoy and please comment if you have viewing issues, noting how you are trying to view these images.

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    A brief reflection

    I came into this trip not really knowing what to expect. I’ve heard nothing but amazing this about this trip, and I was so excited to go on it. I learned so many things and life lessons from this trip. Any expectation I had was beyond surpassed. The days spent at Woodlands were long, and tiring, but very rewarding. When feeling worn out or tired, all I had to do was look around (past all the blackberry) and see all the green, and that was enough to keep me going.Our days at Woodlands were spent surveying the area. We set up transects, and took count of native and invasive species. We got to see armadillos, snakes, turtles and even an alligator! Although the mosquitos were pretty bad, bug spray was there to save the day.The days we weren’t at Woodlands, we helped out planting food gardens. Our first garden was for our friend Carol, and the second was for Capstone Community Gardens. We were able to spend time in the French Quarter being able to experience the full culture of New Orleans. We got to see the Mardi Gras Indians, parades, and local musicians. All of these experiences were so amazing. We were able to fully dive into Louisiana culture in 10 days. While sitting on the plane ride home, I tried to pick my favorite part of the trip, and I honestly couldn’t. Each day was an adventure within itself. The days were long and often dirty. We sweat, got attacked by bugs, and got pretty dirty, but it was all worth it in the end. I learned many things on this trip, and will forever be grateful for the friendships that were made. Its hard to express how much fun the past 10 days have been. I now know what it is like to miss New Orleans.

    Homeward Bound

    It’s 12:12am in New Orleans but as I write this on our plane that has started it’s decent into Los Angeles. While I’m eager to get back to my daily grind so I can get done with homework that is weighing heavy on my mind, I already am missing the Crescent City.

    The ESRM New Orleans trip is advertised as the number one, must have experience within the department. After hearing story after story of all of the fun and shenanigans had on this trip, the expectations have been set remarkably high. Now, after paying my 10 day penance to the city and the blackberry, I can say that every single positive thing I’ve heard is absolutely true. The bar was set high, yet Sean was able to exceed every expectation.

    From the difficulty of cutting through blackberry to the sheer fun of dancing and bowling at Rock N Bowl, every moment was just as trying, exciting, and fun as possible. As I look towards graduation and the potential of working in the field and/or of moving on to grad school, I look at opportunities such as this that have allowed me to see how each of them work for me.

    All and all, I believe one of the biggest lessons Sean inadvertently taught us was the importance of having friends who share your passions with you. Watching him interact with Tom and John on the transects, at meals, and at shows displayed their genuine enjoyment of what they were doing and of each other. I look forward to continuing to work with the students on this trip and building the same kind of relationship this trio of trimates have

    Sean and Tom enjoying the live entertainment at Rock N Bowl as they wait on their bowling shoes

    John picking leaves from a plant for Tom and him to look at and discuss

    Tom looking at leaves having a long winded discussion with John about the exact species of the plant.

    Tom, John, and Sean goofing around and having fun on a sea saw

    Sean and Tom bowling together at Rock N Bowl

    Rare Woodland Conservancy Trails Roadkill

    While working on the trails today, the BAB working group found this interesting roadkill at 2500 m along trail A. Because these individuals have been squished beyond the point of ID, they may remain unknown in species. Drive safe on your trails out there!!